Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Lanterns Facebook Challenge!!!!

Hello again!

I am so excited to be hosting a challenge right on my Mod Paperie Facebook page!  I received so many interests on the Summer Lanterns that I made - and many have already told me that they've purchased the files, so I thought that it would be really fun to have a Lantern Challenge!

In order to qualify for the challenge:

1.  You MUST use the Party Lantern file from MygraficoThis wonderful file was designed by Lindsay's Stamp Stuff (blog - The Frugal Crafter, FB page)- isn't this awesome??

This is only $3.00 and you can have sooo much fun with this!

2.  You MUST post your pics on the Mod Paperie Facebook wall. (I am sorry for those non-Facebookers... I actually thought about doing it here, but I don't have the inlinkz subscription to be able to do it... :( )

3.  Limit of 2 entries per person.

4.  You can do whatever you like to it - can use any other SVGs, cartridges, ribbons, buttons.. anything else that you think it may work.. get creative with it!  There is no minimum number of lanterns that you need to make.

5.  Your picture MUST be uploaded on to the wall by midnight PST July 10.  Make sure you let me know your blog link, too, if you have one!

Now, on to the prize... :)

Mygrafico has generously donated me the prize for my challenge!  Go over to their Facebook page, 'like' them if you haven't yet, and tell them thanks!

One random winner will receive up to $10 to Mygrafico store.  (The $10.00 worth of products only redeemed when store is not on sale and it could be combination of at the most 2 products.)   I just LOVE this store - they sell SVGs (the shoes and the beach pail that I made was from this store as well!), paper packs and graphic sets, and digital stamps!!!!  This store would pretty much cater to any of you crafting fans!

Okay, that's it!  I will look forward to seeing pretty lanterns all over my Facebook wall!


  1. SWWEET!! I "hope" to be IN!!! I bought the set right after I saw your awesome lanterns!! now I'm off to think some more on just what I want to do!

  2. Oh Thank the Lord, I thought the deadline was last Sunday! I am so going to try to get one made, of course that is IF the 2 year old cooperates! I am so excited and I have the lantern file too! LOL
