Sunday, March 11, 2012

Inspired by Pinterest lately...

Gosh... I never knew about Pinterest until like 5 months ago... but wow, what an interesting site! I could spend hours and hours looking at people's ideas, and get inspired by it, or just dream about how amazing it would be to have a 'space' like that. The ideas are fabulous - really, some people are GENIUS.  They take the simplest ordinary thing and turn it into something amazing.  I'm really bad about 'pinning' it, but I really enjoy stumbling across many creative projects - so thank you to all those that I follow that have been doing great 'pinning' them onto your sites.  I enjoy looking at them.

Anyway, so just a few days ago, I came across 'burlap bunnies', and thought that they were the cutest thing and so simple to make (the site reference below).  I've been loving the burlap look, so it was perfect! I needed a 'simple' and 'fast' project to do!  There's quite a few of them online - but most of them have a 'country' look to it, and I'm not a big fan of that... as you know by my blog name, "mod" paperie.  I decided to take these burlap bunnies, but just make it abstract... to not put any faces on them, or to ink them... just keep it the way it is.  I know how some of you are bothered by not having a 'face' on them, but hey - it's my blog :) Hehe.


These little bunnies are really cute as table setting decor, or in my case, I left the top open, so you can even fill them with little chocolate eggs or something and make it an Easter treat bag. It's great for favors at a party!


For mine, I filled up with rice, but you can fill up with beans, or anything that your heart desires. They can sit up all on its own! Good bunny!


The only embellishment that I decided to put on was the crinkled ribbons, which I used to tie the bag together, and added a button that I made from Epiphany Craft Button Studio Tool Flower 20, and tied them with a yellow vinyl cord.

For more inspiration on these burlap bunnies, I came across these cute ones: The Little Green Bean, Oopsey Daisy (This one has a little tutorial on how to make one. The only thing that I changed was I left the top open and instead of using a rectangular piece, I rounded out the bottom)

Okay, I'm off - gonna enjoy the rest of the weekend! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Those are precious - I sometimes get “stuck” in Pinterest for hours :)

  2. they are lovely, no need of a face and i love pinterest too. :D

  3. This is way too cute! Simple, and totally precious! And you're gonna kill me.. But when I first looked at them I thought they we country-ish... *ducks* LOL! And who was it, Bee... She hates things without faces, right?.. Muahahaha!

  4. These are so sweet! I don't mind the no face bunny! Loving Burlap creations lately too! Thanks for sharing!
