Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! I've got a gift for you all!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.  I sure did, and although it was hectic, I also got a chance to relax and have fun at the same time.

However, it's now the 2nd, and time to get back into crafty mode!  My blog has been feeling pretty lonely recently and hope to create a few things in the next week...

For now, to help myself and YOU get organized, I have put together PDF sheets of all the past SVG Cuts freebie downloads.  They are NOT in the correct order, but everything is there, and it should make it MUCH easier for you to see what wonderful free files there are from SVG Cuts

In one sheet, I have 35 freebies on it, with the exception of the two sheets - I just got too excited and wanted to print those off right away!  It is pretty much up-to-date, except for the latest ID Tags that is missing, which will be on the next sheet.

If you would like to download the SVG file, you can go to the SVG Cuts blog, and in the search bar (bottom right of the page), type the name of the file and should pull it up for you!

PDF 11 is the newest, but for those that is new here, I've put up the download online so everyone can feel free and download.  I have rescanned the past ones, which were faint, so the resolution should be better as well.

Enjoy! and I would appreciate it if you can leave a quick comment here letting me know that you've downloaded it!  Just lets me know how many of you come visit here <3 and you know I LOVE comments!

SVG Cuts Freebie Download sheets

PDF 10
PDF 11

Please let me know if you have any problems! Thanks and have a great day!


  1. Thanks so much for these PDF's. I have downloaded a few of the files that somehow I did not label. Maybe I will be able to figure out what they are now. Happy New Year.

  2. Thienly, Thank you so much for all that you do! You are wonderful to spend your valuable time doing this for us!

  3. these are awesome!! I have a lot of their freebies but there are so many cute ones I didn't know about!! I appreciate your hard work:-)

  4. This is fantastic. Thanks so much!

  5. Thank you oooodles for sharing! I have been inconsistent in remembering to download the image as well as the file, and since svg cuts never puts the image in the download, there's been a few things I wasn't sure of later on LOL. This really helps!

  6. Thanks Thienly!! Totally appreciate your effort in doing this! I have many, but as someone else said, many I didn't know of!! Thank you thank you!

  7. Thanks so much for doing this for us! You had shared some with me earlier, but there have been many since, so it really helps a LOT!! Happy New Year!

  8. What a very nice thing to do and so very very very helpful.

  9. Thank you Thinely for doing that. I downloaded all of them and when my hands and arms recover from overwork I will make something I am thinking of doing. Thanks again sharalyn

  10. Thank You! these will help so much, pretty sure I got them all! Happy New Year!

  11. Thank you so much (fellow Albertan)!

  12. Thanks for all your hard work on these files!! It's nice to have them all in one place!!

  13. Thank you Thinely! I was just in the process of going through all of my freebies and finding the pictures for them. This helps so much!

  14. The PDF's are great, thank you. I have been trying to get more orgnized and this is going to help a lot. Thanks again.
    Happy New Year
    Charlene in Oregon

  15. Love it! So nice to have them all on a sheet like that. Reminds me of some I forgot I had and now want to use. Thanks for all your work.

  16. Thank you so much. I'm pretty sure I have all the files, but I always forget which svg's I have. I love your blog!

  17. Thanks so much. This is a big help. Love it!

  18. These will be a big help, Thanks so much!

  19. Thanks so much for the pdf's, it's such a great help!!! :-)

  20. Thienly, thank you very much for the PDF SVG freebies, that will help complete my SVG file notebook.

  21. Thanks so much for these! You are awesome!!

  22. Thanks for sharing...great idea.

  23. Thank you for sharing your hard work.

  24. Thank you for sharing your hard work.

  25. Thank you so much!

  26. Thanks for sharing!! So excited to get these printed and put in my binder!

  27. Thanks so much for doing these! I know I have some from last time you put these together and it's so nice to have them organized this way.

  28. you are SO AWSOME to share this ... thanks so very much...this just what I needed...thanks...Katie @

  29. This may be "off topic" from all the other comments. But just wanted to let you know that we're looking forward to lots more paper craft & party inspiration on your blog in 2012! Cheers!

  30. Ohmygoodness, Thienly!

    This is WONDERFUL!!! :) Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Crafty hugs,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  31. Thanks for doing this, it will be a big help in keeping track of the freebie files.

  32. Thank you so much for these files! What a hard worker! I do have a question...When I do a search for many of the files, I can not find them on the SVG Cuts blog. For instance"Boys of Summer Caption". I can find a page done with it in the forum, but not the original free file. I have found many instances of this. What am I doing wrong?

    Again, thank you so much...what a fabulous resource.

  33. Hello! You aren't doing anything wrong :) Some of the files are retired, and unfortunately not available for download... However, Leo and Mary do sometimes bring back the past files as a surprise for a limited time, or if the design team members use a retired file, Leo will link the past files to be able to download... (for example, in my recent All-in-one Valentine's project, I believe I had 3 retired files there :) ) Hope this helps!

  34. Thanks for sharing. The only PDF I am having problems with is #3.

  35. Hi Thinely! Thanks so much for doing these. I downloaded them all just to have them there but wanted to tell you that I had issues. The site throws a lot of pop up ads in different browsers up and it also kept having issues with the download and had to try again and repair?? Not sure if they qwere just swamped with file sharing right now or?? have you ever tried Scribd? Just a thought. Anyway!! Again thank you so much for these!

  36. I may be slow but thank you so much for the pdf's it helps a great deal I just downloaded all 12 thank you again

  37. Thank you Thienly for taking the time to do this, and then to share it with all of us. Have a great day.
