Thursday, September 8, 2011

Twisted Sugar Twine project - Weaving with Twine.

Hello everyone!  How is it going with you???  It seems like it's been forever since I posted!  (and maybe it has! lol...)  Hope you missed me!

Today - I want to take my last twine project, String Art with Twine one step further and decided to weave them this time! It's the up-down, up-down pattern, and the next row is down-up, down-up technique. Simple!

I have two projects to share with you today - both using the same technique, but one is on a paper, and the other is on a wooden dowel rods.

Here it is!


You like? It's amazing what you can do with twine, isn't it?

Here is the card upclose:


The holes are exactly the same holes as the cards I used in making the String Art Cards. I took Cola Red and threaded them all horizontally. Then I took Lemonade Pink and weaved it through the Cola Red. These cards are always so cute when embellished with buttons, stamps, beads, you name it!


The twine trivet is my favorite - it can be a little frustrating to begin, but once you've got a few rows down, then it gets much easier!


See how pretty this looks! What a great handmade gift idea! You can even mix and match colors - like the Limeade and the Cola Red for Christmas!  Here, I took Licorice Twist and Grey Macaron twine and weaved it together! Every two rows, I took those twine and tied it together.


This may look intimidating, but it's easy and looks so beautiful and so functional!

Give it a try! We'd love to see your projects - post them on to the Twisted Sugar Twine Facebook Page!

Oh, I've got this same post over at the Twisted Sugar Twine Blog - I'd love ya (well, I already do love ya, so I'll love you even more!) if you can leave me some love over there!

Okay, that's it! See ya later, everyone!


  1. Very cute. Ok, I'm a goober, you are going to have to explain the trivet. LOL

  2. I cannot get over how you come up with these things! I love it and you are so inspiring for such a young 18 year old soon to be 19! :) xoxox

  3. You are so Creative! Cool projects! And I've missed ya!

  4. The woven trivet is adorable! I love it! Could you do some written instructions on how you wove it? Did you use two strands of twine at a time? How did you get the twine between the dowels?

  5. So clever the idea...looks fabulous! ;) Hugs x

  6. Girl - you are really getting creative with the twine - love all your ideas!

  7. I sure miss your posts!! I know your family goes home today..
    So I look forward to you being back to crafting on Wednesday! ;) super cool twine project!!
