Tuesday, July 5, 2011

.... and the winner of My Thoughts Exactly Stamps Relase Blog Hop giveaway is...

Hello everyone! What a crazy and fun weekend it was!

Thanks for all the comments on my My Thoughts Exactly Blog Hop project! 

I'll make this short and quick - so here is the winner!

Before I get on with announcing the name of the winner, I had to repick my winner two times!! One was for Bee's Hive, and the other was for Jessica L who both belong on the same DT and I know they have these files! So this was my third try...

...and it's funny - there's only one person that asked my on my FB page, if she had missed her drawing...  and the random.org had picked her.  I had to count my comments twice!

Nope, she's the one! How coincidental! and the winner is...

Donna said...
Wow! Another cute project. You are amazing!

July 1, 2011 5:00 PM

Congratulations, Donna! Please contact me at thienly.azim@gmail.com to claim the prize!

1 comment:

  1. LOL that is awesome! I was afraid I'd pick some one on the DT as well for my drawing. I lucked out the first time, it wasn't one of us :-)
