Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Lanterns for those perfect summer evenings :)

Welcome to the Summer Shindig blog hop!  Are you excited??? I hope you are, 'cause I'm so excited to be a part of this amazing group of talented crafty ladies!!!!!  To celebrate the beginning of summer, we thought that it would be really fun to make something to inspire you to craft for various summer events and parties.  Hence, the name Summer Shinding was born :) 

Now, if you just happen to stumble upon here, the blog hop actually starts on Belinda's blog (Bee's Hive O'Drama), so please go there first and come back here, as I'm the second on the list!  You won't miss me too long! LOL!  Belinda has been busy organizing this blog hop event for all of us, so if you could thank her, that'll be much appreciated.  She's done an awesome job of keeping us all in the loop and getting us together.  Thank you, Bee!

So, back to my project...  I wanted to make something different, and a 3D project, 'cause I LOVE making things in dimension.  You probably know that about me... One thing that I really love is to sit on the patio on those nice and warm summer evenings and relax the night away :)  and then, it just hit me! Aha!!!  Lanterns! That'll be really fun and different! So, that's what I did!

I found the lantern base over at Lindsay's Stamp Stuff Party Lantern SVG Templates  and then I decided to change a few things to make it my own :)  I took the base lantern, and for the lantern light openings, I customized it to fit the theme of each lantern.  (You'll see what I mean!) 

I made 5 lanterns in total, all having different themes to do with summer.  All the files I used are from Lettering Delights.  I was a little unsure of how it was going to turn out, but I'm very excited by the way it turned out and the lanterns actually work! Bonus! Even if it didn't, it's cute anyway!

So, are you ready to see???? 

WARNING:  I took A LOT of photos, and I'm going to warn you in advance that you're probably gonna get a picture overload... but trust me, they may look the same, but it's all different!

Here it is!!!! OMGosh! You don't know how excited I am to be showing you this!


Isn't it pretty? I hung them on a thick paper twine, and it looks so festive!  I used the Summer Days Echo Park Paper Collection, along with their Dots and Stripes Paper for my whole project! All twine used here are from The Twinery.


So now, I'm warning you again, there's LOTs of pictures! I'll show you each lantern two sides at a time!

Here's the beach one!


I cut out water splashes out from the lantern base. It's lined with vellum from inside to show through the lights.  I used Soak Up the Sun SVG Collection for the cuts, the sun is from Pucker Up SVG Collection and the waves are from Seven Seas SVG Collection. Here's the other side..


Here's summer outdoors lantern!


I used jewelry wires for the kite tail and bee and butterfly antennae :)  The clouds are cut out from Balloon Craze SVG Collection and the rest of the cuts are from Banner Day SVG Collection (kite, flower & tree) (this one is free!!! by the way when you sign up for an account there), Sweet Nothing Gift Card Holders SVG Collection (bee & tree), Sweet Nothings SVG Collection (bird), Cloud Nine SVG Collection (birdhouse) and Summer Treats SVG Collection (border strip).  Grass strip is from Easter Morning Egg Hunt SVGCuts Collection.


Here's the summer treats lantern!


All of the cuts are from Summer Treats SVG Collection.  I put the sprinkles on with Ranger Pearls.


Some details are way too small here to cut out (the lantern measures about 3" wide on 4 sides and about 5" high) so I added in the small details by hand.

Here's the ocean lantern :)


Of course, here, all the faces were drawn with my hands. I got a little creative and glued loops of twine on the lantern to make it look like water bubbles. I think it's cute! Of course, my lantern light holes are bubbles, too :) 


I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Something Fishy SVG Collection! So adorable!

Lastly, but not least, and I think that this is my fave one - the BBQ lantern!


I love all the BBQ cutouts! They are all from Backyard Fun SVG Collection, except for the frame and pennants are from Banner Day SVG Collection.  Makes me hungry looking at my cutouts! LOL!


I got creative here again and put pennants all around the top part of lantern. It completes the party look :)

All of the lantern top straps are made from Rosie's Ribbon Strips SVG Collection from SVGCuts.

Okay, so you wanna see how these are lit up??? I know you do! I used these battery operated tealights that I had (from Ikea - few years ago - so don't go there thinking that it's still there!) and put them inside!


So, this pic was taken at dusk..


and this is later in the evening... actually about 10pm here where I live.


Isn't it pretty??? 

I hope that you like my project, and that you're not totally bored with all my pics!

Anyway, so I've got a couple of blog candy for ya! 

I actually had several things that I was going to use for the giveaways, until today, it occurred to me that with the Canada Post strike going on, it wouldn't get very far... so I scrapped that idea.  Instead, I'm offering two gift cards to two random winners! 

One is for $10 to Lettering Delights, and the other one is for $10 SVG Cuts.  Are you interested??? Of course you are!

To be eligible:
1.  Please go like my FB page: Mod Paperie. or if you don't do FB, then let me know so!
2.  Come back here, and leave a comment! That's it! 

The comment must be made during the blog hop days to be eligible.  Then next Wednesday June 30th, I will be picking two winners! Sounds easy, right?

Oh, and Lettering Delights are having a 50% sale on all their Summer Collections, so make sure that you get them before June 30th!  Most of my project can be obtained for half price right now!

Thanks for coming to visit here, and yes, I'm gonna miss ya, but I'll get you going over to the next blog:  Alyssa from My Thoughts Exactly!

In case you're lost, or want to know who all the amazing people are in this line up, here it is!

1. Belinda (aka Bee)
2. ME!
3. Alyssa
4. Bee
5. Jessica
6. Jin
7. Julietta
8. Tamara
9. Ruthie

Okay, that's it! See ya later! Have fun hopping the rest of it :)


  1. What can I say but this is so incredible and detailed, and so much fun! I hope the kids get to go camping and use these fun little lanterns..truly beautiful Thienly! Truly!

  2. Ahhhhh! I want them! LOL! Put 'em in a big ol' box and ship them to me! Pretty please?!.. Seriously though, these are so fun and playful!! You outdid yourself, girlie!! So happy to be doing this blog hop with all this talent!

  3. WOW! You really out did yourself AGAIN! My jaw is dropped and I am in awe at your creativity! When should I expect mine in the mail??? (haha) <3!

  4. I LOVE these!!! Great colors and the details! One word: WOW! Thanks for being in the hop with me. :)

  5. Thienly- absolutely fabulous!! I want to make these now and it's 2 am!! I have you liked on FB already!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. You did such an amazing job with these Theinly! They look so fun and all the details are adorable!

  7. I am speechless... seriously... your lanterns are so cute. In fact I didn't think they could get any cuter and then the sun when down and you turned on the candles. OMGosh!

    Now I want to make some too. I am going to be up all night thinking about it.

    Ruthie :)

  8. I love the lanterns!! Really inspiring and gorgeous!!

  9. WoW'd to Infinity... it's gonna be an early morning... because I won't be able to stop looking at the eye candy- I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

  10. Theinly the Lanterns are Awsome and of course the BBQ one is the one I like the most : )

  11. You lanterns are too stinkin cute, and I want them bad,lol. You did an amazing job. Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us. I just liked your FB page too :)

  12. Oh my goodness Thienly, these are about the cutest lanterns I have ever seen!! Scratch that, they are DEFINITELY the cutest lanterns I have ever seen! I may just have to scrap-lift this! I am so excited to be in this hop with you, it honestly just blows my mind to see my name in the mix with all this talent! I am so glad I have gotten to know you over this past month and I am so excited for all the fun things we have ahead of us!

  13. I love, love, love your lanterns!!!! These are the neatest lanterns I have seen yet...your such an inspiration and a great artist.

    katknit at gmail dot com

  14. These Lanterns's are amazing - I'm happy to like your facebook page and see all your wonderful projects!


  15. You are one talented and very crafty person! I love your color combos....I think my biggest challenge when crafting is choosing the right color for a project...but I'm getting there....Thanks for being such an inspiration to a newbie like me!

  16. they are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love them. where will you put them?in your garden? how do you do with the SVGkit?are they digikits?do you print them? on heavy cardstock?i love them...

  17. Oh wow! Thienly, these are so cute! I bet those will go great for a backyard party!

  18. I would love to have these on my screen porch for the summer! I'd like you on Facebook if I had a page there, but I don't and won't, so I'll just tell you here that I like you and your blog, and I'd sure like to have some blog candy!

  19. Wow, Thienly....some serious time and creative energy must have gone into these, and it shows! Wonderful summer eye-candy for the patio!!
    (I'm already your fb!) ;0)

  20. I just knew your project was going to be fabulous. You continue to amaze me everyday. You are one very talented individual Thienly and I always enjoy your work. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  21. Thienly! These are incredible! You know I already stalk you both here and on FB!! LOL Heck, I want to marry you just so we can craft together!! LOL (not sure what my Hubby would say ROFL) Seriously, these absolutely ROCK! I am so going to have to make some and Lettering Delights files (I have them all) are fabulous!!!

  22. OMG, love love love them they are so darn cute!!!! I already "love" your fb page...thanks for the amazing project eye candy!

    Staci412 at optonline dot net

  23. Sometimes I just want to meet you so I can rub your head and hope I can rub some of your talent off on me!!


  24. One word, WOW! Love your creations!

  25. Thienly! There are amazing! Even my hubby said they were neat. I guess that means I have to try to make one! Of course I like you on FB :)

  26. These are awesome. Love it! Liked you on fb too :)

  27. You are AMAZING. I am so filled with inspiration right now. :) I already stalk you everywhere, hehe.

  28. Seriously, you have wow'd me yet again! i swear every project you make inspires me to make something!

  29. Oh my gosh...I don't even know what to say! This is just incredible. So much detail in each lantern!

  30. These are wonderful. Summer = Color and boy did you ever nail it!

  31. very cute love it TFS!!!!!


  32. Wow, Thienly! These are gorgeous!! I love all of the different themes you used. They turned out beautifully. I love the lanterns lit up! What nice evenings you'll spend on your patio! I am already a follower on FB as you probably know. So glad to be hopping with you!

  33. OMG!!! Those are so freakin adorable, I think I am just going to have to make some.. We go camping alot and these would be so cute on my tables!!! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  34. Great sproject glad I came across your blog on this hop. I'm a new follower.

  35. These are fabulous!! You are so talented and I love your creations!


  36. Very cute lanterns!

    I found you through the blog hop.

    dorseyss (at)

  37. OMG! They are fabulous paper laterns. I love that each one has it's own personality. I went on FB and liked. You are very creative. Thanks for sharing.
    glamoroussideofscrapping at gmail dot com

  38. how can we possibly be bored with all those beautiful lanterns. They're fantastic.

  39. OMG these are so AMAZING! Can I be you when I grow up?!? I love everything you make but I think these are by far my favorite now. I can't wait to see what you come up with for MTE!

  40. These are over the top amazing. Love how they look lit. Don't do fB but am following the blog.

  41. Wow! These are absolutely beautiful, Thienly! I love the bright colors. You did an awesome job!! =D

  42. These lanterns are adorable! I love your work!

  43. Awesome project!!!!! LOVE IT!! You are so talented!!! I loked you on fb

  44. I am going to make this! Thanks for the inspiration! & All the info! So helpfull! Love everything you do!

  45. Thienly you are AMAZING!!!! I am so happy you posted all the pics to show how different you can make them. the Bar-B-Que one and the Ocean one are my two creative. Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration I am glad you share your talent with us.
    Theresa aka tebug

  46. Thienly you are crazy!! (well I mean crazy creative) I don't want to know how long it took to make all of this!! They are absolutely awesome!!! My facvorite is the one with the tree, clouds and bee (3 of my favorites things, LOL)... :-D

    Bee (still Blogger issues so have to comment anonymous... Grrrr)

  47. Oh my goodness! These lanterns are so stinking fun! I love your creativity and how all of them are so different! Thank you for the pictures of them at night too! HOW FUN!

    Liked your page on FB and am a new follower!

  48. Thank you Thienly for having us in your wonderful Paperie! i love your Lanterns they sooo cute, i just love all your ART Work !!
    Crafty wishes from Germany Elke


  49. OMG!!! I absolutely love your lanterns!! I can't decide which one is my favorite of the four themes!! I just love them! Thanks for sharing the 50% off on LD's! Guess what I am going to be purchasing today! YAY!! Thank you so much for the inspiration! You are truly blessed with talent!

  50. This is my first time at your site, I am so glad I stopped in! I love love love your lanterns, there is just so much detail in every single one, they are very gorgeous. I would love to be a follower but the follow button is not showing up on your site, I'll have to remember to come back! Thanks for the great idea


  51. Those lanterns are just amazing--way to go! I'm a new liker on FB :)

  52. fantabulous!!! what an awesome idea!! newly liked on FB!

  53. love the lanterns!!!! they are all adorable! I am now a follower on FB too! Thanks, Charlotte

  54. Love these! Glad I found your site/FB page!

  55. Awesome paper lanterns- they are all so festive and cute! I just liked you on FB.

  56. already like you on fb :) and the lanterns are so cute so much time must have gone into making them well done x lucy

  57. Wow!! You are a paper crafting dynamo!!!! I saw your shoes a few days ago and now these!! They are just wonderful! I really need to spend some time playing with my SVGs! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Crafty_kitten at mac dot com

  58. Whoooo this is just fantastic, Where did the lantern come from?? I love this idea.... What a fantastic job you did! I love it... June 30th is my favorite day.... My B-day!

  59. The Lanterns are beautiful. I always love your creativity, Thienly. Thanks for all the ideas you share so freely.

  60. Totally terrific!! Thank you for all the detailed pictures! You're so creative and I love that we get up close and personal views with great descriptions to follow along!!

  61. i love the lanterns that you make...they are so adorable...this will be a good projects for my kids to do during the moon the lantern part of the SVG file...i'm not familiar with it but very interested in SVG files...TFS...

    btw, i'm your follower but i don't have facebook....

  62. Such detail! How fun for a party.
    I like you on FB.

  63. I love all of the details you put into these! You must have a lot of patience, but these are well worth it! I already follow you and like you on FB. Melanie

  64. Wow! Your lanterns came out so gorgeous!! Thanks so much for sharing this fabulous project with us! I liked your facebook page, thanks so much for the chance to win!!

    aerynx at gmail dot com

  65. I am so jealous at such talent!! :) I liked your facebook and I hope I win! I'm also following you on GFC :)

    Very great job..

  66. love the lanterns i might need to make some birthday themed ones for my son's birthday

  67. Your paper lanterns are so absolutely amazing. I am in love with them and just have to, have to, have to make them. I am a new follower and a new fan on facebook. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  68. I LOVE your lanterns!!! I am inspired to make a few for my grandaughter's birthday. Oh, then the kids can take one home... oh with the kid's name on the one each can take home! Nightlights!!! The wheels are spinning, thanks for sharing so much info!

  69. Thienly, You are an amazing designer!! Fabulous, fabulous project. You know I like you on facebook. I enjoy all you make!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Hugs, and happy cutting!

    Carmen L

  70. These are wonderfully fun! Thanks for sharing all your hard work!

  71. I am speechless!!! Awesome home decor. WOW! Love them. I'm a FB fan now! TFS joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

  72. Your projects, as usual, are spectacular, Thienly. Great use of the svgs and the colours are so happy! I now follow you on FB too.:)

  73. WOW!!! I'm just blown away with your creativity!!! I HAVE TO MAKE THESE!!!!
    THANKS FOR SHARING...I "Liked" your FB! :)

    kwilt_81 at hotmail dot com

  74. Love your work!

  75. Thienly, your work is SPECTACULAR!!! Thank you for inspiring me to keep on learning about papercrafting! ~Jennifer

  76. I love your lanterns and how you decorated them.
    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  77. I am a fan of your Facebook page.
    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  78. I liked your FB page... have ALWAYS loved your flair and your style... the lanterns are so cool!

  79. All I can say is I love these lanterns, great job. i liked you on Facebook and became a follower.
    mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

  80. Wow awesome lanterns. I'm a fan now on FB.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Thienly your creations are always amazing and these lanterns are no exception! Thanks for sharing your talent and inspiration with us! Can't wait to see what awesome project you will come up with next! :-)

  83. Wow wow wow!! do I really need to say more? I really don't facebook - no time but I do follow you blog through feedblitz :)

  84. Just went to your FB page, and wow on the lanterns, they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a great project, glad I found you.

    Patty S.

  85. Those are adorable I have to trythis myself...thanks
    Maria Ceja Garzon...i found you on facebook
    My contact:

  86. These are sooo CUTE!! I love them. I don't do facebook but I am following by email now.

    at yahoo
    dot com

  87. My mouth was hanging open even wider the farther I got down your post!! I think a fly or two might have flown in!! I just love your lanterns!

  88. Oh my! These are fabulous! What a cute idea. I would love to try something like this. I would love to like you on Facebook but I do not have a page. None the less, I love your blog! (and I love LD hint :<))

  89. I liked your facebook page...This was an awesome project...must have taken forever to do and was also a lot of fun to make. The lanterns are great lit up too. Thank You for sharing in the hop.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  90. Oh my gosh! I am speechless and that says alot about me!!
    Great job this was awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!

  91. Ohhh. Wowwee! Your paper lanterns are sooo neat. I really love the pic with them lighted up. Thanks for the blog hop. I'm a new follower.

    stacy at TotallyTwistedCards dot com

  92. These are SO adorable!!!! I've never seen anything like these. Super super super cute! Thanks! I've liked you on FB.

  93. OH MY GOSH THIENLY!! I love them--they are so beautiful!! :)

  94. Oh my this is so precious!! Thanks for sharing your true talent with us!!

    following now

  95. absolutely love these. curious as to what kind of lite is inside. what will happen if the wind blows? will they catch a fire?

  96. I have followed your blog for a while and was surprised that I wasn't already a FB fan. But I am now!
    Your work is so detailed and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
    Laura B.

  97. Wow, beautiful!! love'm..
    Am a new follower!!

  98. Wow....all I can say is AMAZING!!! So awesome!! Love all the pictures and all the details!! So Fun and Beautiful!


    Nicole T.

  99. I love these Thienly! They look beautiful. Now I have to go make some too. They would work great for a summer dinner lighting...


  100. OMG!!! I have to make these for my daughter's house warming party. It is going to be outdoors and these are just so cute! She would simply go crazy if I created these for her. You did such a great job!!! tfs Tami

    Tambo's Creations

  101. How awesome are these lanterns! It must have taken you HOURS to glue all those little pieces together. It turned out fabulous. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win ;)

  102. Fabulous love each and eveyone

  103. I "like" you on FB and i LOVE your projects - super cute! neldacnm at yahoo

  104. Very Very Creative & love this summer theme party lanterns. The SVG files are perfect and you pieced them very detailed & colorful. Thanks so much for the instructions and hope I am able to make one day.
    I like you on Facebook & can't wait for future updates. Thanks for the chance to win!

  105. Thienly, as always you have out done yourself again...I just love this inspire me so much...keep up the great ideas...but I will have to say sometimes I think "can I really make mine look that good?" I think your mind is incredible, being able to put things together the way you do...thanks Katie @

  106. Your lanterns are Ah-Maze-ZING!!! I can't believe the details. I am now a fan of your work and of your FB page.... Wow!

  107. I loved the flower lantern!

  108. wow this is unreal!!!!!!!! i get so much inspiration from you thienly

  109. Extraordinarily beautiful projects! Thanks for blessing my life! God bless you.

  110. The lanterns make me want to create, create, create because they are so beautiful. You are so talented and I always appreciate that you share your hard work with everyone!!!Happy Summer to you and your family. Oh yeah, and I love your facebook page and blog!!!

  111. Would love if you could do a video showing how you put these together! Yours are so cute but i am apparently not very skilled because I am struggling to get them together:( Help!!

  112. paper lantern is for adding aesthetics and glamour at related festivals.They make your special occasions even more special and provide a festive atmosphere with their happy lights.Thanks for sharing such a nice paper lanterns.
    paper lantern

  113. Marilyn in MichiganJuly 27, 2012 at 10:34 AM

    Your lanterns are just adorable! I went and "liked" your FB page.

  114. OH MY!!! This is really great!! I love everything about it!!!

  115. These are so cute! I need to get a cutter.

  116. These are adorable!!! You did such a great job on them--Feeling so inspired with all their cuteness. :)

  117. These lanterns are amazing. You are so inspiring that I just purchased the lantern pattern. Can't wait to make some. Love the ones you designed. Thank you for the chance to win some blog candy.
