Sunday, March 13, 2011

I apologize.... my relatives are in Japan, and I lost my crafting mojo right now...

It's been 3 days since the catastrophic Japanese earthquake and I've been having a hard time getting back in to my crafting mode.  Just as a background - my mom is Japanese and my dad is Vietnamese.  So, all my relatives on my mom's side lives in Japan.  My mom was actually having a chat with my aunt in Japan discussing how my aunt was going to go catch a movie.  Then she said that there's an earthquake... a big one...  and then they disconnected.  We then could not connect to anyone there...  I remember turning on the TV Thursday night (we have a Japanese channel at home), and couldn't believe what I was seeing.  All that tsunami coming in, wiping away all the farmlands, houses and buildings, cars and trains and boats...  You hear about these natural occurrences from time to time, and you see these scenes in the movies, but you never really fully connect with it, until it happens to your loves ones.

I was awake all night, watching TV and doing Facebook, trying to get a hold of my family.  I didn't want to miss anything, if anything ever did happen while I was asleep.  I slept on the couch, with the TV on, iPad by my side and a phone, just in case.  I think I had about 2 hours of sleep...  Close to 5am in the morning, I got a message saying that my family was fine...  that was a great relief. 

Anyway, since then, the number of deaths and unaccounted people has increased dramatically, the threat of radioactive leak from nuclear power plant failure/explosion, and Japan Meterological Society released a report that another big quake is 70% likely to happen in the next 3 days.  I am so worried, and that is all I am able to think about right now.  I wish that I could just fly all of them here to be with me, right now.

I did receive messages and pictures from my family  - and can't believe what they are going through.  My cousin's house had holes in the walls, the bedframe was broken, things scattered everywhere...  took over 4 hours to walk home...  In the supermarkets and convenience stores (yes, the Japanese convenience stores are really convenient - they have heat up lunch boxes, ready-to-go meals that take up literally half of the store!) they have no rice, no bread... not even toilet paper.  There's no water bottles, and the automobile gas supply is hard to find.  There's still millions without electricity right now and there's thousands without a home. 

Anyway, I'm sure you're all aware of these things, but I just wanted to let you know that my mind is on my family right now and have hard time getting inspired....  I take some tools and paper out, and I just end up staring at it or going back to trying to find the latest news online...  crafting may have to just wait....and I hope that you all understand :)

Take care, and be grateful for what you have as things may suddenly change <3
- Thienly


  1. Oh sweetheart. Know that you don't have to apologize for NOT crafting, not to us or yourself. Prayers and Love for you and your relatives.

  2. Oh Thienly,

    I know exactly what you are going through. My family went through the earthquake in Mexico City in the 80s. Although we had no loss of life, only material things, it still took many days to hear of their welfare. I went through the earthquake in San Francisco where a portion of the Bay Bridge fell and the Nimitiz freeway collapsed. I can still recall the sounds and smells that day.

    You take as much time off as you need and get back to it when you feel better. One thing you can do to help you through this is to write down in a journal your thoughts and fears - it's a lot chaper than a psychiatrist.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Hugs, and prayers.

    Carmen Lucero

  3. Oh Thienly, I am so happy that your family is ok. At the same time it is totally understandable how consumed you would be with news from there. We are all praying for Japan. (((HUGS)))

  4. Glad to hear your family is ok. It's awfull what is happening over there. I feel terrible each time I see the news about it.....

    Hugs Monique

  5. I'm sorry to hear of the pain you are going through. The least of your concerns, or anyone's, is should be a blog and crafting. If you weren't worried about your family I'd say you have your priorities in the wrong place. I hope they all stay safe and you can stay in touch.

    My thoughts are with you and everyone being effected.

  6. I am so happy you were able to locate and hear from your family. Such a scary time. My hearts go out to all of them, everytime I see the images online or tv my heart breaks...I can't even begin to imagine.

  7. It is just so horrible, and there's so little we can do from here... :-( I do hope you get your crafting mojo back soon though, because taking your mind off all of this for even 1/2 h would be a good thing. You need to take care of yourself. <3
    Big hugs and prayers.

  8. No need to apologize! I continue to pray for everyone affected by this life shattering event! I would like you to know that my son Tyler has started a fundraising effort with the SCHOOL DISTRICT! Not just his school, but all the schools connected in the same district as his. He was glad to hear that he would be helping family of someone we knew, wheter it be in person or not. I will keep you updated on his efforts and please keep us updated on your family! *HUGS* :)

  9. It's good to hear that your family is alright. Thank you for sharing with all of us. I actually have some friends that relocated to japan for job reasons and were just getting to their car after running some errands when the earthquake hit. They said that all they wanted to do was keep their feet on solid ground, but it was shaking so violently that they really couldn't. Fortunately they made it out okay, and immediately are out there lending a helping hand to the community around them. I love the way they speak of the community coming together to recover almost immediately. Keeping our loved ones in prayer.. hugs.

  10. I was just stunned watching the news on Thursday night and stayed up hours because it was just so shocking to watch. I don't even have family there. I couldn't begin to imagine what you went through that night and what your family over there is dealing with, but my prayers are with you all.

  11. Glad to hear your family is OK. We all need to be reminded that everything can change in a heartbeat. Please keep us posted on your family as there are many challenges ahead.

  12. So glad to hear your family is okay! The stories from over there are so heart wrenching! Please kiip us posted on how they're doing!!!
