Sunday, January 16, 2011

Celebrate card with the Letterpress.

My second attempt with Letterpress went so much better - including the clean up as I had the Letterpress cleaning cloths. (Don't attempt to clean up without it! and baby wipes don't do the trick!)  I have learned to be patient with the ink - I rolled it with the brayer quite a few times until it was uniform and non-lumpy, and I was able to get a nice thin coat of ink onto the plates this way.  I also attempted to do some layering with the plates, using different colors and I must say, I was quite a bit happier with my purchase this time! 

My cards that I made were for my dad and my dad-in-law, whose birthday falls within two weeks of each other.  Here it is - see! see!!  Don't you think that I'm getting better???


  1. Very cute....we are thinking a like just now...... I just made a martini glass too but I have a girl laying in mine a little tipsy....haha

  2. Very cool cards!!! Masculine yet elegant.
