Friday, August 13, 2010

Wow, I'm amazed - I've hit 70 followers!

For those of you that don't know me, I started my blog about 3 months ago.  It's been crazy fun, and I often wonder why I didn't start this sooner.  On a daily basis, I've been making friends, and it's like I've discovered this whole secret world that I never knew it existed.  I so appreciate all your feedbacks, and wanted to thank you all for following my blog - your comments and suggestions all inspire and gives me energy to do more crafting.  I just looked at my blog follower count tonight, and it's 70!  Wow, I'm amazed!

This summer my house is under renovation, so I don't really have my space.  (Not that I had really to begin with - I so long for one of those beautiful craft rooms that many of you have, but no, a craft room is not a part of our renovation plans).  I'm usually stuck in one corner in a room, having to pull out my cartridges out from a box and having to go digging through piles of paper before I find the right one.  Anyway, in the next couple of weeks, we are going to be busy painting the new space, so I will not be around as much.  Crazy - don't know what I was thinking - trying to paint about 9 rooms with three kids.  Following that, new flooring goes in, and then, it's time to move back into our home.  I try to fit a little time to craft daily, but for those that know me, I like to put my time into each project that I do, so I don't post my creations everyday.  So, that means that you are probably going to be seeing less of me for a little while.

For now, though, here's some cards that I have made a while ago that I'll share. These don't really reflect my style, but they have been custom made to suit the recipient.

Using ukelele dingbat, I made a guitar card for my dad.  He loves anything French, so I made this guitar French!
Using Winnie Silhouettes dingbat, I welded characters together, and added balloons, hat and presents from the celebrations cartridge to form a birthday card for a friend that loves Winnie the Pooh.


  1. Fabulous cards. The Pooh one is adorable!!

  2. You are brave to undergo those renovations with the kids!! We still live in the ugly wall colors from the previous owners because there just isn't time!... LOL ;-) As for craft space, I don't have a room for that either, so I asked my Dad to make a little desk (think a board) for me that would fit in the (weird shaped) window of my bedroom, then I bought 2 rolling plastic cubbies with drawers and put them under the desk. It's MY craft space, with a gorgeous view of the lake. The kids come mess it up every now and then, and there isn't enough space for everything (my Cricut still sits on the dining room table!) but it's a start!... ;-)

  3. Congratulations Thienly! I expect that number will double in the next month...the word is out.

    We should blog about our spaces, but be really brave and video, while the kids are home so we can share the love.
    Thienly we need to tell BEE to get back on facebook!
