Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Miniature Leather Crafting - My New Hobby.

Well... HELLO!
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I did a blog post!

I was away in Japan for awhile - enjoying some family vacation time.
It was amazing, and love everything about Japan.

While I was there - I had the opportunity to stock up on some new crafty supplies!

Well... I'm excited to share one of them!

It is Leather Crafting!

I have never been a big fan of leather crafting...
that is because all I see here is to make some western belts and wallets,
and not-so-my-type leather stamping...

but then, I fell in love.

I saw the CUTEST crafts ever.
I knew I had to make them.

So I went all out and purchased all these new tools.

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Never in my life - 
I would just go and get all these tools that made no sense to me!

Oh, and I found the cutest wooden holder that I keep my tools!

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...and before I even knew how to make anything - 
I had to go get some leather scraps.

These nice ones are actually really hard to come by here.
I checked Michaels, and I'm just so glad that I stocked up as much as I did while I was in Japan.

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I had absolutely NO IDEA how to go about and what to buy.
I researched, watched YouTube videos, and read books...
and ta-da!

I created some things that I feel fairly confident now -
so I thought that I'd share what I've been working on.

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 Isn't it the cutest?

They are all about an inch in dimension,
so it makes the perfect keychain, and pendants!

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You wouldn't believe HOW MUCH more things I had to buy...
after I got the tools.

Leather sewing thread, tiny eyelets, grommets, brads, etc.
buckles and charms,
as well as leather lace and cords.

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So, what do you think?
I miss paper crafting (and I still plan to do them) 
but it's also really fun to learn new things!
(The best thing about this is that the completed projects don't really take up any space!)

I wish that our cutting machine would cut leather...
(I've read somewhere it can cut thin ones)
and if it can do that - 
if Mary from SVG Cuts can design leather cutting files - 
that would be a dream come true for me :)